english sms 'WackyWant'


English SMS

The shortest word i know is i
The sweetest word i know is LOVE
nd the person i never forget is YOU

Sometimes me eyes get jealous of my heart
know why? bcoz u always remian close
to me heart and far from me eyes

The world doesn't need more mountainsto climb
more seas to cross or more stars to shine
what the world needs is more of u & ur smile

To live this life i need a heartbeat
To have a heartbeat i need a heart
To have heart i need hapiness
To have hapiness i need u!

Think big think smart think positive
Think baeutiful think great i know this is too much
for u so here is a shortcut... just think about me

Hellow! wats wrong with ur Mobile?
Tried so many times but every time i call it says:
The subsciber u r trying to reach is in ur heart

If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me
If u save it thats bcoz u desire me
& if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me
So what u gonna do with It?

If you fall in river there is a boat
if you fall in well there is rope
but if you fall in love there is no hope

Love is Pure
Love is Sure
Love is sweet poison
that Doctors can't cure

Love is like war...
Easy to start...
Difficult to end...
Impossible to forget

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